Mary Byrne Admiralty 1826 Model

Mary Byrne Admiralty 1826 Model


Frequently Bought Together

Mary Byrne 1826 Admiralty Model 1 +
Price for both: $257.40

Modellers Shipyard


1 to 48

Skill Level



380 (15")


140mm (5.5")


120mm (4.72")



Mary Byrne Admiralty 1826 Model Ship Kit – Modellers Shipyard (1022)

The Mary Byrne Admiralty Model Ship Kit is manufactured by Modellers Shipyard is highly detailed and intricate and will appeal to the model builder looking for a challenging and interesting model to build.

Modellers Shipyard Admiralty model of the colonial ketch Mary Byrne 1926, is a unique and original model.

The Admiralty model kit of the Mary Byrne 1826 is expertly designed and built by John Staib – master model ship designer and builder.

As with all new release model ship kits from Modellers Shipyard the frames of the kit have laser scored fairing lines that ensure the fairing of the frames is easy, accurate and symmetrical – this feature is unique to Modellers Shipyard designed kits

The kit comes complete with quality fittings, clean and accurate laser cut parts and highly detailed English written building instructions with color photos of every step of the kit’s construction.

History of the Mary Byrne Admiralty

Admiralty models were an English invention of the 17th century, when the British Admiralty required a model as well as the plans of each new type of ship. The characteristic feature of Admiralty models was the underwater hull, which was built as a frame model. The part above the waterline was fully planked – this characteristic feature shows the construction of the hull frames and deck beams along with all supports.



Modellers Shipyard


1 to 48

Skill Level



380 (15")


140mm (5.5")


120mm (4.72")



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