Half Moon Model Ship Kit 17th Century Galleon – Corel (SM18)
The Half Moon 17th Century Galleon Model Ship Kit is manufactured by Corel Model Ship Kits & Corel Model Boat Kits. Corel Model Ships are historically accurate and all ship model kits contain the highest quality parts, cast metal fittings and photo-etched brass parts, and the best available timbers. Wherever possible all parts are pre-cut and ready for assembly.
History of the Half Moon 17th Century Galleon
The Half Moon 17th Century Galleon was the name of a Dutch ship which sailed in what is now New York harbor on September 11, 1609. It was captained by Henry Hudson who was in the service of the Dutch Republic and who named the discovery of the river, which now bears his name, the Mauritius River after Holland’s Lord-Lieutenant Maurits.
The Half Moon sailed from Amsterdam to the Barents Sea, turning westward to traverse the Atlantic Ocean sailing from Newfoundland to south in search of the Northwest Passage. They sailed to what they believed to be an island, and gave it the name of New Holland.
From there they sailed south to the Chesapeake and then went north along the coast navigating first the Delaware Bay and, subsequently, the bay of the river which Hudson named the Mauritius River. The Half Moon sailed up Hudson’s river as far as Albany, New York, where the crew determined the water was too shallow for farther progress. Realizing that the river was also not a passage to the east, Hudson exited the river, naming the natives that dwelled on either side of the Mauritus estuary the Manahata.
Leaving the estuary, he sailed north-eastward and crossed the Atlantic to England where he sailed into Dartmouth harbor. A map of 1610 depicts the Manahatas west and east of Hudson’s river and from which the name Manhattan originates.
Hudson later made other voyages until, in 1611, abandoned in an inhospitable land by his mutinied crew, all trace of him was lost.