HMS Victory Model Ship Kit Deluxe – Mantua (MA738)
The HMS Victory Nelson’s Flagship 1765 Model Ship Kit is manufactured by Mantua Model Ships & Mantua Model Boats. Mantua have built its reputation on large, elaborately detailed ship model kits. Their ship model kits use photo-etched brass, cast metal fittings, cast metal and machined turned brass fittings. The detail in their range of large ship models is exceptional.
This ship model kit differs from the Standard version in that it includes the Ships boat set and the copper hull plating.
History of the HMS Victory
The HMS Victory, is the name of Nelsons Flagship, on which he was killed at Trafalgar. The battle of Trafalgar was one of the most famous battles in history, bitterly fought on the 21st October 1805, a few miles south-east of Cadiz, between English and French-Spanish fleets. This is one of the few ships of those times which has reached us in a perfectly preserved state. Begun in 1759 and launched in 1765, she was subjected to several rebuilding’s before arriving at Trafalgar. Having returned rather badly mauled to the same dock at Chatham where she had been constructed. The Victory once again took to the sea on 14th January 1922, to Portsmouth where she is still visible in dock.