Madrid Tram Model Tram Kit – Occre (53002)
The Madrid Tram Model Tram Kit is manufactured by Occre model kits. Occre use high quality materials, made with precision and a great degree of detail. To ensure easy, enjoyable model kit assembly, all our model kits are accompanied by detailed instructions, subdivided into assembly stages with full color photographs.
History of the Madrid Tram
The ‘Cibeles’ model represents a Madrid tram belonging to the C.E.M.T. (Madrid Electric Traction Company).
These trams were originally painted red, which was why people called them ‘cangrejos’ (crabs), a nickname that has stuck until the present day, despite the fact that way back in 1908, when they were brought from the C.E.M.T. by the Sociedad General, the colour was changed to yellow The ‘cangrejo’ is a tram from 1901, belonging to the series 1-20. It could carry 15 passengers sitting in crossways wooden benches, 7 standing on the driver’s platforms and 10 on the other. She was fitted with 2 A-B-60 Schuckert 30 HP electric motors.
Each tram was manned by a driver and a conductor.
Occre model kits use high quality materials, made with precision and a great degree of detail. To ensure easy, enjoyable model kit assembly, all our model kits are accompanied by detailed instructions, subdivided into assembly stages with full color photographs.